Title: Tala Loto Fale - Red Fala Screening & Events
Creator: Taro Patch Collective
Artform: Two Red Fala Screening & Events
Timeframe: December 2022 – June 2023
Location: Māngere Arts Centre Ngā Tohu o Uenuku
Project Summary: Tala Loto Fale (TLF) is a Maori/Moana Pasifika-led movement, which centres a holistic approach inspired by Pasifika forms of storytelling and the use of ancestral knowledge and artefacts for all Tangata Moana throughout Moana Nui a Kiwa and beyond; wanting to create, connect, share, heal and grow in an era of disconnection and uncertainty. The Mangere Otahuhu Arts grant would be a contribution to the Red Fala Screening & Event.
“The Panel events will cover works made by the participants eg John and Vanessa have made digital works about their lives living in a wheelchair (John) and their jobs at the Mangere Town Centre (Voluntary). Mita, a Participant who lives in Mangere, has made a film on a letter to his mother, partly shot at a local park (Mita will be training with us at TLF to become a facilitator)
We will also discuss at the panels our TLF website, which will house all our participant's stories and Wellness tools for all Māori and Pasifika in our languages, such as guided Meditations, Lotu/ karakia, proverbs/ whakatauki. This will be to spread awareness locally about these free wellness tools so we aim to advertise the events and panels in the Town centre and through our local supporters IAM Mangere”
Tala Loto Fale is founded by the Mafile'o family and built on our experience of making and presenting the documentary film, For My Father’s Kingdom (2019) which we screened in the heart of our communities, in theatres and non-traditional spaces such as churches, schools and community halls, nationally throughout Aotearoa and internationally around the Pacific Islands, Australia and the USA.
Taro Patch Creative is a family-led initiative of Malosi Pictures, it is conceived by the Mafile’o sisters Vea, Emily and Elizabeth Mafile’o through their lived experiences of sharing their family story globally, they have brought together their collective skills in filmmaking, storytelling, tutoring, production design, public programming, arts facilitation and occupational health therapy in the mental health and disabilities sector.
Tala Loto Fale (TLF) is founded by the Mafile'o family and built on their experience of making and presenting the documentary film, For My Father’s Kingdom (2019) which was screened nationally throughout Aotearoa and internationally around the Pacific Islands, Australia and the USA. From the viewer's responses to the film, what became evident to the Mafile’o family, was a need for more safe culturally specific spaces for cultural reconnection, self-reflection, and well-being within Pacific communities. Tala Loto Fale (TLF) is a grassroots response, a globally accessible and safe vā to deconstruct, decolonise conversations to help break down the stigma associated with disabilities and talking about taboo topics in our Pasifika communities” Arts Broker, Renee Tanner